ジェン ウィリー
Wet Cement
ジェン ウィリー
Wet Cement
Founder & CEO

セールスおよびマーケティング戦略の開発から、結果を推進するためのトレーニングおよびコーチングチーム、ジェンダー平等の育成に至るまで、様々な専門知識と独自のソリューションを企業に提供するWet Cementの創始者でありCEO。
Willeyは過去10年間、女性のビジネス進出を掲げ、WebMD Women's Leadership Network、そしてメディアにおける女性の権利確立を目指すAOL / Oath Women's Networkの理事を務め、
女性の起業家がビジネスを構築するために必要なスキルを身に付ける手助けをする「Project Entrepreneur」プログラムのセールス&コミュニケーションスペシャリストとしても活動している。
テレビのニュースアンカーとして活躍後、PricewaterhouseCoopers、Oath / AOL、WebMD、Yahoo !、Everyday Health、Sharecareなど様々な企業で、市場戦略及びプログラム開発を担当し、成功に導いてきた。

Wet Cement helps companies solve business problems that keep them up at night. From sales and marketing strategy development, to training and coaching teams to drive results, to fostering gender equity, Wet Cement provides businesses with expertise and unique solutions to their most pressing needs.
Willey has spent the past decade focused on advancing women in business. She is the founder of the WebMD Women's Leadership Network, a founding member of the AOL/Oath Women's Network, served on the Board of the Alliance for Women in Media, and has climbed the corporate ladder herself. She is an official CSweetener mentor, a mentor matching program for rising executive women in healthcare, while also providing professional guidance and support to others in various stages of their career journey. In addition, Willey is the Expert Sales and Communications Trainer for Rent the Runway's “Project Entrepreneur” program, helping female entrepreneurs develop the skills they need to build their businesses.
Her journey began as a TV news anchor and reporter, and evolved into a thriving career in technology and media. Willey has been at the helm of creating successful go-to-market strategies, partnerships and teams at companies including PricewaterhouseCoopers, Oath/ AOL, WebMD, Yahoo!, Everyday Health, Sharecare, among others.
Willey's industry knowledge enables her to provide a unique perspective on how to be innovative, communicate confidently, deploy self-awareness, and reinvent yourself and your approach to find growth in challenging environments. Now she is using her personal and professional experiences to help organizations develop strategic plans and programs to create inclusive and successful teams.




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