adtech tokyo

October 17th-18th,
2017 @ Tokyo International Forum
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CCC Marketing Co., Ltd.
10/17 13:00-13:40
Stage 2

How to utilize new TV media made from T point data used by 63 million people

■Introduction: marketing data of T point used by 63 million people
■USP: TV data directly connections to Shopping data
■Case study : What you can do by the connecting data

Are you using TV media with only sex and age?
What you can do with target settings other than sex and age

3-1.Understanding actual life of the target from using TV
3-2.Allocating budget as you like
3-3.Improving efficiency of TV advertisement
not only major key station but local station
3-4. Evaluating the relationship between TV and purchasing
4. Introduction of marketing tool "MarketWatch"


Naohisa Hashimoto
Marketing Division Marketing Data Management Project leader
2001 PR company Prap Japan Inc., then NTT Group engaged in advertising and business development, now CCC group from 2014. Currently, He is planning and developing new services with the three connecting data, which is newly added 80 thousand TV data, active members data of over 63 million people and their purchase data. This is mainly provided for advertisers, TVmedia and Advertising companies.